Your trust is important to us.

We want to make sure you understand what personal information we may collect about you when you interact with ViiV Healthcare and its group of companies (“ViiV,” “we,” “us” and “our”), how we use your personal information, and how we keep it safe.

This Privacy Notice explains:

We may change this Privacy Notice from time to time. We encourage you to review this Privacy Notice periodically.

If you have any questions, please get in touch via one of the methods set out in the Contact us section below.

What personal information do we collect?

The personal information we collect when you interact with us via this website includes:

Information you provide us with, such as

  • Information you provide us with, such as
  • your name and contact information;
  • email communication sent to ViiV;
  • a registration form when you register for a webcast event; and
  • your responses to any surveys in which you may choose to participate.

technical information, for instance through the use of cookies, such as

  • activity data, such as when you completed a form on this website;
  • information from your visits to this website, including the type of browser and operating system you use, access times, pages viewed, URLs clicked on, your IP address and the pages you visited before and after navigating to this website;
  • social media tracking pixels that allow platforms such as Facebook and X to interact with this website and give feedback on your actions; and
  • device information, including the unique device identifier, hardware model, operating system and version and mobile network information.

Personal information we collect when we monitor other websites may include your public personal information, for example when we monitor digital conversations on public platforms to understand what people are saying about us or the pharmaceutical industry more generally. We may combine information that we have about you from various sources.

Personal information we collect when you report a possible side effect associated with one of our products may include information such as your gender, date of birth and information about your health.

How do we use your personal information?

We may use your personal information to:

Provide you with information and services including:

  • online events, such as webcast events;
  • our press releases;
  • job postings;
  • financial results;
  • tips, helpful information and marketing communications about our products and services. We will always obtain consent for marketing communications where required by law.

Contact and interact with you, including to:

  • respond to your requests (for instance, in case you applied for employment); and
  • provide important notices and updates, such as changes to our terms and policies, security alerts and administrative messages.

Operate our business, including to:

  • respond to reports you make of a possible side effect associated with one of our products and to monitor the safety of our products;
  • comply with applicable laws, regulations and guidance;
  • comply with demands or requests made by regulators, governments, courts and law enforcement authorities; and
  • investigate and take action against illegal or harmful behaviour of users.

Improve our day-to-day operations, including:

  • auditing, data analysis and research for internal purposes to help us deliver and improve our ViiV digital platforms, content and services;
  • to monitor and analyse trends, usage and activities in connection with our products and services to understand which parts of our digital platforms and services are of the most interest and to improve the design and content of our platforms;
  • to improve our products and services and our communications to you; and
  • (where applicable) to ensure we have up-to-date contact information for you.

On what basis do we use your personal information?

Data privacy law sets out a number of different reasons on which a company may rely to collect and use your personal information.

We use your personal information for the following reasons:

  • For legitimate business purposes: We use your personal information to make our communications with you more relevant and personalised to you, and to make your experience of our products and services efficient and effective. It also helps us to operate and improve our business and minimise any disruption to the services that we may offer to you.
  • To perform a contract to which you are a party: we may need to process your personal information to provide a product or service you request.
  • To comply with our legal obligations and other demands for information: It is important to us that we are able to comply with laws, regulations and guidance, as well as the other requests or demands for data as set out here. They affect the way in which we run our business and help us to make our products and services as safe as we can.
  • You have given your consent: At times we may need to get your consent to allow us to use your personal information for one or more of the purposes set out above. See the “Your rights regarding your personal information” section for information about the rights that you have if we process your information on the basis of your consent.

How long will we keep your personal information?

We will always keep your personal information for the period required by law and where we need to do so in connection with legal action or an investigation involving ViiV. Otherwise, we keep your personal information:

  • for as long as needed to provide you with access to services you have requested;
  • where you have contacted us with a question or request, for as long as necessary to allow us to respond to your question or request.

We sometimes share your personal information with others and transfer it internationally

We may share your personal information with:

members of the GSK group of companies (which includes ViiV Healthcare); and

the following trusted third parties:

  • our agents and suppliers, including those who provide us with technology services such as data analytics, hosting and technical support;
  • our professional advisors, auditors and business partners;
  • regulators, governments and law enforcement authorities; and
  • other third parties in connection with re-organizing all or any part of our business.

Your personal information may be processed by ViiV, its affiliated companies and ViiV’s trusted third party suppliers outside of your home country. Data privacy laws in the countries to which your personal information is transferred may not be equivalent to, or as protective as, the laws in your home country.

We will implement appropriate measures to ensure that your personal information remains protected and secure when it is transferred outside of your home country, in accordance with applicable data protection and privacy laws.

Protecting your personal information

We use a variety of security measures and technologies to help protect your personal information from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, alteration or destruction in line with applicable data protection and privacy laws. For example, when we share your personal information with external suppliers, we may put in place a written agreement which commits the suppliers to keep your information confidential, and to put in place appropriate security measures to keep your information secure.

The transmission to us of information via the internet or a mobile phone network connection may not be completely secure and any transmission is at your own risk.

Websites that we do not own or control

From time to time we may provide links to websites or mobile applications that are not owned or controlled by us. This Privacy Notice does not apply to those websites. If you choose to use those websites, please check the legal and privacy statements posted on each website or mobile application you access to understand their privacy practices.

Your rights regarding your personal information

Data privacy laws provide you with a number of rights over your personal information.

You may be entitled to:

  • ask ViiV for access to the personal information ViiV holds about you;
  • request the correction and/or deletion of your personal information;
  • withdraw your consent to the processing of your personal information (where ViiV is processing your personal information based on your consent);
  • request to access the personal information that you have provide to ViiV and
  • complain to your local data protection authority if your privacy rights are violated, or if you have suffered as a result of unlawful processing of your personal information.

If you would like to exercise your rights or would like to raise a data protection concern, please let us know by getting in touch with us as set out in the Contact us section below.

What if you do not want to provide us with your personal information?

Where you are given the option to share your personal information with us, you can always choose not to do so.

If you object to the processing of your personal information, or if you have provided your consent to processing and you later choose to withdraw it, we will respect that choice in accordance with our legal obligations. This could mean that we may not be able to perform the actions necessary to achieve the purposes as set out in the section ‘How do we use your personal information?’ above or that you are unable to make use of the services and products offered by us.

Cookies and other technologies

This website uses technology called "cookies" which allow this website to recognize and respond to you as an individual. You can choose to accept or decline cookies.

If you do choose to decline cookies, not all elements of this website may function as intended, so your website experience may be affected. For more information about our use of cookies, please see our Cookie Policy.

Contact us

Please address any questions, comments and requests regarding this Privacy Statement in writing to:

Privacy OfficerGlaxoSmithKline Inc.,7333 Mississauga Road North,Mississauga, Ontario L5N 6L4

Or via email: for Prescription, ViiV and vaccines for Consumer Healthcare

If you contact us, please note the name of the websites you have visited, as well as how we may contact you.